Endless Love

What happens when you love someone? What is endless love? What is the real meaning of love? I hate sad endings especially where the hero dies and his lover has to spend her whole life alone with his memories only. I want to see a happy ending for everyone especially when the couple shows a great chemistry. But what you really feels when you are in love. Do you feel vulnerable or feel butterflies in your stomach? Well, I don't know. I have no idea about what love is. Right now I believe that love is care, loyalty and belief. When you really have faith in the person you trust and believe that they will always be there for you when you need them. It's not specific that you need a boyfriend to feel love. A kind hearted friend, a loving mother, a secret sharing sister can show you the real meaning of love and can make you feel how good it feels to have someone around who loves you and you love them. Here we come to the endless love and that is the bond that we share with our love...