Long time no see
So it's been a while since I have been inactive and I'm still not sure either to continue or not. It seems like I'm lacking so much in my life and everything is lost and I don't know what to do anymore. As I my blogs doesn't have a niche I just wrote randomly so it feels like I'm not doing it right. So I have decided to give it my last shot, should I continue writing on this blog? Should I create another blog? Should I quit it all? I am not sure about anything. This is the last time I will write or may be I will make another blog and create a niche for me but I don't know how I will do it. But great news! Recently I've been binge watching some kdramas so I have alot to talk about in my blogs and I am also into bts (kpop group) you all should know so I can share my thoughts on that too. Let me know if I should continue or not, if I should start fresh.... this is my last year of study so I have alot to prepare about and I ...